Good marketing means
business growth.
Marketing support for this project consists of agriculture and food marketing professionals and a robust team of local producers. We’re committed to highlighting the work you do and the one-of-a-kind commodities you produce.
Producers gain higher market visibility, brand loyalty and sales, as well as industry leadership within the Sonoma-Marin agriculture community and beyond.
Education and engagement is our goal. We’re enlightening consumers while expanding a buyer network to supply consumer demand. Closing the knowledge gap between producers’ expertise and consumers’ needs opens up market demand for your products–and our earth heals in turn.
At the end of this five year grant, we hope to have solid data to support premium pricing on regenerative agricultural products. We’re taking a three-pronged approach to getting there:
What It Is: A multi-channel marketing campaign designed to promote climate-smart products to consumers, wholesalers, and retailers.
Benefit to You:
Broader Market Reach: The campaign amplifies your farm's presence across various platforms. This includes social media, in-store promotions, and digital advertising, reaching more potential buyers.
Increased Sales Opportunities: The campaign attracts eco-conscious consumers willing to pay more for sustainable goods, driving up demand and sales.
Brand Strengthening: The marketing campaign builds and strengthens your brand as part of a larger movement, making your products more attractive to both existing and new customers.
What It Is: A storytelling campaign that showcases the ecosystem of producers and other industry insiders.
Benefit to You:
Visibility and Recognition: Your efforts and commitment to sustainable farming will be featured in a regional campaign. This recognition bolsters your personal and professional brand.
Connection with Consumers: By sharing your story, you create a personal connection with consumers. Fostering trust and loyalty can translate to increased sales.
Industry Impact: Your experience serves as inspiration and a learning tool for other producers, positioning you as a leader in the climate-smart movement.
What It Is: A label that farms and its products meet climate-smart agricultural standards. Our industry consultant has made it easy to apply and maintain your status.
Benefit to You:
Market Differentiation: The badge signals to consumers and buyers that your products are environmentally friendly, potentially allowing you to command premium prices.
Enhanced Trust: The badge enhances consumer trust by serving as a visual guarantee of your commitment to sustainability.
Increased Market Access: Products with the climate-smart badge may gain entry into new markets or preferred positioning in retail and wholesale channels that prioritize sustainable goods.
What role does the USDA play in this marketing campaign?
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
What kind of resources and training will I receive?
From a marketing perspective, you’ll receive physical and digital assets such as the Climate-Smart Badge, marketing and exposure via the 100 stories, and access to a network of buyers. Our marketing and food branding partner, Felice Thorpe, will be holding two marketing workshops geared specifically towards climate-smart producers.
How does the Climate-Smart Badge benefit my farm?
The Climate-Smart Badge shows your products meet environmental standards. It differentiates your products in the marketplace, making them more attractive to consumers who are willing to pay a premium for sustainable goods. This badge can also help you access new markets and increase your sales.
What is the criteria for the Climate-Smart Badge?
The criteria and logo are currently being developed by industry veterans and approved through the project’s partners.
How do we know if marketing efforts are working?
Our marketing and MMRV teams will monitor data over the five year grant period. Changes will point to trends and inform the direction of this project.
What data do I need to share?
Producers enrolled in the project will be sharing a variety of data for reporting and measurement purposes. This includes sales data such as volume sold, marketing channels, number of buyers, and price premiums.